
suggested to prepare your skin prior to massages or body wraps appx. 30 min.

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 48/per piece

suggested to prepare your skin prior to massages or body wraps appx. 30 min.

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 48/per piece

suggested to prepare your skin prior to massages or body wraps appx. 30 min.

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 45/per piece



Has a detoxifying and purifying effect. Promotes blood circulation and cell renewal. Supplies moisture, strengthens resistance. Regulates the production of sebaceous glands and has an anti-inflammatory effect The perfectly tempered wellness lounger allows the highest degree of relaxation. Surrounded by oils, algae or grape extracts, your skin is cared for and pampered with the tenfold effect of a normal body treatment.

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 55/per piece

The exquisite active ingredients in evening primrose provide moisture and have a lipid-replenishing effect. Particularly suitable for sensitive skin and people with irritated skin.

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 55/per piece

A skin caring and relaxing pack that makes you forget the daily routine and gives you new energy

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 50/per piece

Body pack according to a special recipe comprising milk and exquisite oils. The beauty secret of silky soft skin.

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 50/per piece


partial body massage

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 49/per piece

Release tension – relax the muscles – it simply feels good.

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 74/per piece

is stimulating and relaxing at the same time, as well as ideal for loosening jammed emotional and physical tension in the head, shoulder, neck area. (especially recommended for business guests and golfers)
approx. 25 Min.

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 49/per piece

Relaxing pressure point massage - under consideration of foot reflex zones. Activates the entire organism. approx. 30 Min.

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 55/per piece

This is an ideal combination of a back massage and a foot reflex zone massage. It promotes blood circulation, activates the metabolism and relieves pain. The nerve endings are stimulated, so that a pleasant and relaxing effect is experienced. approx. 50 min.

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 85/per piece

Escape from everyday life and after work switch off! Treat yourself to the benefit of a massage and leave in the form of a massage for 40 minutes work day pass. With this application you can expect a 25 min. back massage to which you can use our tell therapists whether this is vigorous or not just supposed to be relaxing. After the back massage you are allowed decide whether to use the application with a face massage or foot massage with a duration of 15 minutes. approx. 40 minutes

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 69/per piece



Our Highlights

Ayurvedic full body massage. Abhyanga is the most important and best known Ayurveda massage. At this Massage turns warm herbal oil in slow Castings applied to the skin. After Oiling cause the soothing touches a calming down of thoughts and desires Mind. You leave the often restless everyday life forget quickly. In the scriptures of India Abhyanga as the massage of youth beauty and old age. An Abhyanga improves blood circulation in the Body and represents the physical and mental restore efficiency. Treat yourself to some Ayurveda and let yourself be enchanted by this massage. approx. 80 min.

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 110/per piece

The active ingredients from the sea stimulate the metabolism, provide moisture, promote the regeneration of the skin, supply it with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and make it soft and smooth. In addition to a special body peeling, we pamper you with a Thalasso body wrap, an aroma massage and a special face mask. approx. 90 minutes.

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 130/per piece

Lomi-Lomi is the Hawaiian form of massage. Characteristic for this massage are flowing, circling and merging strokes with fingers, hands and forearms. Lomi-Lomi is known worldwide as the queen of all massages. Lomi is the Hawaiian expression for massage and means "pressing, kneading, rubbing, working on the inside and outside". During the massage, deeper and deeper layers of the body are freed from fears, stress and cramps. A Lomi-Lomi can also go deep into the psychic realm, because if, for example, the back hurts, from a Hawaiian perspective this also means other areas of life and soul. A Lomi-Lomi is the loving touching, stretching, pressing and holding. Allow yourself some time out and let yourself be pampered. Lomi-Lomi as back massage. approx. 40 min.

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 75/per piece

Lomi-Lomi is the Hawaiian form of massage. Characteristic for this massage are flowing, circling and merging strokes with fingers, hands and forearms. Lomi-Lomi is known worldwide as the queen of all massages. Lomi is the Hawaiian expression for massage and means "pressing, kneading, rubbing, working on the inside and outside". During the massage, deeper and deeper layers of the body are freed from fears, stress and cramps. A Lomi-Lomi can also go deep into the psychic realm, because if, for example, the back hurts, from a Hawaiian perspective this also means other areas of life and soul. A Lomi-Lomi is the loving touching, stretching, pressing and holding. Allow yourself some time out and let yourself be pampered. approx. 80 min.

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 120/per piece

Slow, gentle and relaxing aroma oil full body massage for feet, hands and head and face to be involved. approx. 60 Min.

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 89/per piece

Escape from everyday life and after work switch off! Treat yourself to the benefit of a massage and leave in the form of a massage for 40 minutes work day pass. With this application you can expect a 25 min. back massage to which you can use our tell therapists whether this is vigorous or not just supposed to be relaxing. After the back massage you are allowed decide whether to use the application with a face massage or foot massage with a duration of 15 minutes. approx. 40 minutes

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 69/per piece

The Earcandles have a purely physical effect. A light underpressure (stack effect) and the vibration waves of the air in the candle, which are caused by the movement of the flame, create a gentle massage for the ear drum. This leads to an intensive feeling of pleasant warmth and a "liberating" balancing of pressure in the ear, forehead and sinuses.
approx. 45 min.

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 59/per piece

including one glass of champagne and Canapées

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 50/per piece

Dive in and relax - alone or as a couple. During the bath we pamper you with a glass of sparkling Champagne and canapés. Then relax and rest afterwards on a divan in an exclusive ambience. What would you like to order? Cleopatra bath or rose blossoms bath - approx. 60 min. for 2 persons

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 75/per piece

  • Salt and honey peeling
  • Full body massage
  • Rose petal pack

27/01/2025 - 16/01/2026, 105/per person per day


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